Most Amazing Currencies From Around The World

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Re: Most Amazing Currencies From Around The World

Postby jeevan » Tue Feb 26, 2019 12:37 pm

7. Easter Island coin


The most fascinating thing about this coin is the Easter Island heads that pop out! Easter Island is especially famous for its 887 monumental statues called Moai. This coin gives a three-dimensional view of the mysterious statues on Easter Island.

8. Somalia coins


This fascinating currency of modern times will make you go, ‘Who would’ve thought that money would come to this?’ Somalia coins in the shape of Lamborghini sports cars, heavy metal guitar, animal kingdom, and motorcycles are incredibly strange and colorful!

9. Tracey Emin


Tracey Emin is an English contemporary artist. The most important thing that her concept note reflects, in comparison to other traditional bank notes, is that nobody values politicians' faces on the currency anymore. Rather, this note is the best example of anti-capitalism. This artwork speaks volumes about the present time scenario and may just possibly be the future of money.

10. Using money to make money


Other artists have found a creative way of using money, to make more money. Creating an extraordinary work of art using the origami technique.

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