11 Famous USA Landmarks That Are Loved By Tourists And Hated By Locals

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Re: 11 Famous USA Landmarks That Are Loved By Tourists And Hated By Locals

Postby jeevan » Thu Mar 28, 2019 2:32 pm

9. Disney World, Orlando, FL


The local population of the city of Orlando rarely visit the famous theme park, as the location is too crowded and too expensive, with very few locals having the opportunity to get discounted passes or other fare reductions to Disney World.

10. The Las Vegas Strip, Las Vegas, NV


People travel to Las Vegas to gamble and to party, and the never-ending shows, performances and vibrant nightlife at the Las Vegas Strip are all very conducive to that endeavor.

Unfortunately, the image of the city of glamorous parties and 24-hour long entertainment is difficult to swallow for the locals, who just want to live in their home city. This is why many inhabitants don’t even consider the Strip to be part of the city.

11. Brooklyn Bridge, NYC


The last on our list of destinations is the Brooklyn Bridge. New Yorkers try to avoid it at all costs because it can take as long as an hour and a half to cross it on foot. About 10,000 pedestrians and 5,000 cyclists are estimated to cross the bridge from the Manhattan to the Brooklyn city daily.

Certainly, it is an excellent chance for tourists to get a perfect view of the city, but also a great chance to waste a lot of time for a busy local.

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