10 Tips To Make Your Walls Clean And Shining All The Time

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Re: 10 Tips To Make Your Walls Clean And Shining All The Time

Postby jeevan » Fri May 03, 2019 4:09 pm

9. Quick Fix for Grease


Well, if I'm being perfectly honest, I wasn't thrilled with the ending of the movie. Sorry, but some bad jokes just can't be held in.

On a more serious note, if you're someone that enjoys the occasional barbecue at home or has kids at home, you'll suddenly find greasy fingerprints slathered across your walls, or bits of gravy sprayed across it. This can be especially hard to get rid of because, like Crayons, grease spreads when you try to clean it, due to the presence of oils.

Mercifully, there actually is a really quick fix to this. Take a piece of chalk and color over the stain with it, till the grease is caked in chalk powder. Wait a few minutes for the grease to dry and then just clean off the entire mess with a damp scrub or cloth.

10. Bread as a Scrub


The next time you find a slice of bread with fungus on it in the middle of the loaf, cut off the fungus and preserve the bread. It’ll come in handy the next time you need to clean off grime, dust, grease or what have you.

Bread is extremely absorbent and has a way of grabbing all the dirt. After a few initial wipe downs with a slice of bread, you can try any of the above solutions to lightly scrub off the last of the gunk or stain on the wall.

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