How Not To Fall In Love With The Person Who Is Not Right For You

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Re: How Not To Fall In Love With The Person Who Is Not Right For You

Postby neeraj » Mon Mar 27, 2017 5:14 pm

3. Don’t try to please them


If their actions are something that generally would vex you, do not try to be a people pleaser and ignore that. Give them your opinion straight away and don't be nice for the sake of it.

Falling in love or not, it's necessary to speak your mind to people about things that are important to you.

4. Focus on better things.


I know love is pretty important in life, but don't settle for something you don't deserve just because you feel compelled to.There will always better things to do compared to making the wrong choice.

Find what you need to do with your time and put it to better purpose.

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