12 Things Indians Do To Save Every Last Rupee

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Re: 12 Things Indians Do To Save Every Last Rupee

Postby shahrukh » Fri Nov 17, 2017 3:58 pm

7. Use office landlines to make personal calls.

Also, demand WiFi from office so you can save on internet packs.


8. Never throw away gift-wraps.

Reuse and recycle.


9. Asking people at airports to share your extra luggage.

Because paying extra-baggage is a crime!


10. Fight for a half-ticket on the bus.

Or ask people to 'adjust' on the train as you're travelling unreserved.


11. Buy early morning show tickets as they are cheaper.

And while we're at it, always book the last row seats because when else will we get those recliners for so cheap?!


12. Go drinking only during Happy Hours.

Or stick to house parties, because well, free/cheap booze!


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