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Re: 9 Things You Should Make It A Point To Do While Waiting For 'The One'

Posted: Fri Aug 19, 2016 12:12 pm
by shahrukh
5. Enjoy your own company


Being alone is not being a loser. Many would taunt you, laugh at you, make ‘forever alone’ memes on you, but you’ve got to take it with a pinch of salt. There is a different kind of tranquility in drinking coffee alone, doing your laundry alone, sitting quietly at a park all by yourself with a book by your side. Such small things help you understand yourself better.

6. Keep realistic expectations


Sometimes we let someone go because we have unrealistic expectations from them. You cannot change a person; you have to accept the differences and love them. Unrealistic expectations like ‘one should be hot, have six pack abs, have an SUV’ are too materialistic and not realistic in the least.