10 Tips To Make Your Walls Clean And Shining All The Time

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Re: 10 Tips To Make Your Walls Clean And Shining All The Time

Postby jeevan » Fri May 03, 2019 4:07 pm

5. Cleaning Crayon Marks


Anyone with kids will be familiar with the intense task of trying to scrub crayon markings off the wall. Once you get past the instinct to frame that piece of wall and send your child to the nearest art prodigy school, the wall still has to be cleaned. Most attempts to get rid of it end up just spreading the color more. Next time, just try using a normal pencil eraser, scrubbing gently in a circular motion. Art gum can also be very effective.

Once the bulk of the wax is off, a normal sponge or baby wipes can take off the last of it. If all else fails, non-gel toothpaste is a great option to try.

6. Getting Rid of Water Stains


These can be the most frustrating things to deal with. They usually start building up on the interior of the walls before eventually leaking outward, and can lead to the buildup of mold and mildew.

If you mix one cup of bleach with a gallon of water, you get a nifty cleaning solution that can be used to rinse out the stains. After rinsing with the solution, make sure to dry the affected area thoroughly with a blow dryer.

In case the stains don't go no matter how many times you rinse, get a new coat of paint for that wall and make sure to use stain-proof primer.

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