Your Body Does Not Lie About Who You Are

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Re: Your Body Does Not Lie About Who You Are

Postby shahrukh » Sat May 13, 2017 12:23 pm

According to facial reading expert Jean Haner, people with long eyebrows tend to deal better with stress and typically have a lot of friends that they don't mind listening to and helping out.


Blinking more than the average 6-10 times in a minute indicates that the person is attracted to who he or she is talking to.


Your hair can reveal some of your bad habits (even after your death). Some drugs leave detectable traces in your hair for many many years. For example, traces of morphine were found in a lock of hair that had been snipped from the famous English poet John Keats' head 165 years after his death.


Short people are likely to live longer than their taller counterparts. One of the genes linked to longevity is also responsible for short stature, according to research at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.


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