16 Surprisingly Common Foods That May Cause Cancer

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16 Surprisingly Common Foods That May Cause Cancer

Postby jeevan » Mon Apr 16, 2018 4:32 pm

Nobody wants to see their dinner plate laden with cancer causing foods. But in this world of Science and Technology, it is highly likely that you’re consuming few of the cancer triggering foods daily. While it is difficult to fight and beat cancer, you can avoid it by removing or limiting the trigger foods from your diet. Some of the food items that have been associated with cancer are -


1. Canned Foods


Those Little Jars of pre-made food are very tempting to buy and easy to cook and eat from, but did you know the cans are made from a chemical called Bisphenol-A, or BPA. BPA is known to change the brain and nervous system development in studies done in animals and Humans. This chemical is known to have links to breast cancer and other grave illnesses.

2. Soda Pop


Apart from the insane amount of sugar that these fizzy drinks contain, darker colored sodas contain 4-Mel, responsible for its caramel color. It is not just an innocent colorant, but carcinogen, that can cause endometrial cancer, prostate cancer and pancreatic cancer. And Of course, the High Fructose Corn Syrup will give you obesity and its allied diseases.

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