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Re: 10 Important Financial Etiquette Rules We Must Follow

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2018 11:03 am
by jeevan
6. Don’t ask how much somebody spent on something.

Keep in mind that questions about purchases or rent are able to make people feel very awkward. If you’re really that curious about it, you can always check online when you're alone. If people ask you such questions, remember that you have no obligation to answer them.


7. Don’t complain about your financial problems to friends who earn less.

You’ve been longing for a shiny new TV for quite a while now, but thanks to a sudden price hike, you're going to have to wait a little bit longer. Granted, it’s unpleasant, but telling your friend (who has been saving up to buy a basic microwave for the last 4 months) about it will only serve to damage your relationship.

8. Pay back your debts on time.

If you borrow some money, you should inform the lender of when you’re planning to pay it back. Keep this deadline in mind, and try your best to stick to it. If you are unsure of when you'll be able to pay it back, then make sure that this is clear from the start.


9. Don’t feel obliged to lend anyone money.

Some people don’t lend money to relatives and friends, and will certainly have their reasons. In fact, it’s a lot better to refuse than to lose a friend due to awkward money problems. You don't need to come up with any form of justification either.

10. Don’t lecture others.

Even if your intentions are good, it’s better to stay silent when it comes to other people's money. You might know how to save and make money, but such advice is only ever appreciated when it’s asked for!