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18 Photos Prove Men Can Handle Anything

Posted: Sat Feb 09, 2019 4:39 pm
by jeevan
While the female brain is a mystery most men would love to solve, understanding what goes on in men's brains is more interesting - primarily when they face a problem. In such situations, men have a built-in, random idea generator that needs just a second to come up with a crazy concept. Take a look at how them fearless men found their way out of the most complex situations:

1. Years of playing Tetris has finally paid off.


2. In this case, it appears that this man did not follow this safety advice.


3. When you forget your helmet at home, but still have work to get done.


4. Men and their weird relationship with stairs.


5. When the only protection needed for your eyes are your eyelids.


6. At least his toes are safe.


7. The level of trust between these two workers is certainly required.


8. This is most likely a dentist's car.


9. This dog hates having his nails trimmed, so this dad bought a purse and cut holes in it.


10. "I'll do it! Just hold the ladder!"
