Learn How These 15 Animals Communicate With Each Other

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Re: Learn How These 15 Animals Communicate With Each Other

Postby jeevan » Wed Feb 27, 2019 2:06 pm

11. Prairie Dogs Call to Each Other


Known for their complex underground tunnel systems, these creatures have complex ways of calling to one another, using slightly different intonations depending on the type of predator - coyote, hawk, human-nearby. In one study they were found to seemingly identify the difference between a person wearing a blue shirt and a yellow shirt.

12. Caribbean Reef Squid Changes Color

The Caribbean reef squid uses specialized cells containing pigments and light-reflecting molecules, known as chromatophores which can change the color of their skin to convey a variety of messages: to court a potential mate, to warn others of a predator, or a number of other messages. They even convey one message to a squid on their left side and a different one to a squid on their right.

13. Dancing Bees, Dance


Research that goes back centuries has noted that bees use dance moves to alert fellow hive-dwellers of a honey source. A study found that when a bee discovered a honey source, it would head to the hive, performing a dance while other bees touched its abdomen. This allows others to then find the honey source without needing to be shown. The direction and speed of the dance indicated specific geolocation details that the others could follow.

14. Jackdaws Glare

Jackdaws are a bird that is part of the same family as crows, ravens, and jays. Researchers have found that one of these birds will use his conspicuous eyes to glare at a would-be competitor, deterring it from trying to take over his nest.

15. Chimpanzee Footsie


While you could spend a lifetime analyzing chimps' gestures, there are many. Chimps have similarities with humans and one of the other ways that researchers have found they signal to one another is through extending their feet to alert another, usually young, chimp to climb on them to travel.

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