15 Magical Health Benefits For Lemons

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Re: 15 Magical Health Benefits For Lemons

Postby jeevan » Thu May 09, 2019 1:40 pm

11. Take better care of your feet


The solution for rough and scaly feet might be right inside your kitchen. The citric acid along with the vitamin C in lemons can take off dead skin, enhance skin renewal, and brighten dark skin areas. Simply soak your feet in some hot water mixed with the juice of 2-3 lemons, 2 tablespoons of olive oil and ¼ cup of milk for about 20 minutes. Your feet will not only be softer than ever but will also smell much better!

12. A home-made cure for fever and chills


Lemon tea and lemon juice have long been used as home-made remedies to help lower fever. A cup of lemon tea with honey every few hours should help subside any chill or fever you might have. Of course, if the fever persists - go see a doctor.

13. Get healthy glowing skin


Lemons aren't just used to repair damaged skin, the high levels of vitamin C found in lemons are used by your body to make collagen and elastin. Both are tissues responsible for giving your skin a glowing and youthful appearance. Simply start eating more lemons, or apply lemon juice to your skin, and after a short while you will see the effect.

14. Pain relief


The oils found in lemons create an aroma that relaxes blood vessels and reduces inflammation, both key factors in pain relief. If you suffer from sore joints or other inflammatory diseases, drink a glass of lemon water every day to help ease your symptoms. Lemon extract can even help alleviate pain caused by sunburn if applied to the skin with water and gently rubbed on the painful area.

15. A treatment for varicose veins


Lemons have the ability to strengthen blood vessels, and so can be used to reduce the appearance of varicose veins, making your legs look younger and healthier. Add a few drops of lemon essential oil to a moisturizing oil of your choice (like jojoba or avocado oil) and rub the mixture onto the affected area. Doing so on a regular basis will slowly make the veins disappear from the top of your skin.

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