Try These 12 Home Remedies To Treat Your Toothache

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Re: Try These 12 Home Remedies To Treat Your Toothache

Postby shahrukh » Mon May 13, 2019 12:14 pm

7. Baking Soda - Baking soda helps whiten your teeth and acts as a natural painkiller for toothaches, when mixed together with a bit of water. Baking soda promotes quicker healing of painful or swollen gum tissue, which is the reason why many toothpastes feature the sodium bicarbonate on the labels.


The Remedy:

Take a cotton swab and moisten it with a bit of water.
Dip the wet cotton swab in baking soda. Coat the swab really well so that it absorbs the baking soda before applying to the infected tooth.
A mouth rinse can be made by mixing a large spoonful of baking soda into a small glass of warm water. Let the baking soda dissolve before swishing the rinse in your mouth.

8. Guava Leaves - Guava leaves are used to heal mouth sores and aching teeth. The juice of the guava leaves contains many antibacterial properties that thwart off tooth decay or gingivitis. You should feel the effects of the guava leaves shortly after applying to the sensitive areas.

The Remedy:

Chew on a couple of guava leaves until the juice begins to work on the affected tooth.
Place 4 to 5 guava leaves in water and let it boil.
Allow the solution to cool off a bit before adding a pinch of salt, and rinse your mouth thoroughly with it.

9. Vanilla Extract - Vanilla extract contains Eugenol, which has antiseptic and analgesic properties that are used to fight off tooth decay. The Eugenol helps get rid of that unwanted toothache, and provides a quick pain relief solution.

The Remedy:

Saturate a cotton swab or cotton ball with 3-4 drops of vanilla extract, and place on the affected tooth.
Use your finger to rub the vanilla extract on the affected area. Make sure you wash your hands thoroughly beforehand.
Repeat process until pain goes away.

10. Onion - Onions offer great pain relief to people suffering from tooth abscesses or sensitive gums. Onions are highly regarded by dentists for their natural and powerful antimicrobial properties. Onions have even been compared to taking 8 Advil capsules, or an entire bottle of Orajel!


The Remedy:

Slice a piece of fresh onion and hold it inside your mouth.
Gently bite the onion until the juices come out for a few minutes to alleviate pain.
You may also put a piece of onion on the painful tooth so that it absorbs the antiseptic and antimicrobial properties.
Continue the process until pain reduces.

11. Bayberry - The root bark of the bayberry is used to help strengthen gums. The berries are ideal for treating aching wisdom teeth as well. The natural antibiotics of the bayberry should go to work very quickly on your aching tooth.

The Remedy:

Mix the bayberry bark together with vinegar to form a natural paste.
Apply the paste on the affected tooth as a pain relief.
Use the paste when needed, or several times per day.

12. Lime or Lime Juice - The citric acid of the lime juice helps kill the germs that cause tooth infections. Lime juice also contains vitamin C, which keeps your teeth protected against decay. Mixing lime juice and baking soda can also help whiten teeth.


The Remedy:

Lime Juice

Combine the lime juice together with Asafetida to form a paste.
Apply the lime paste on the infected tooth.
Keep your mouth slightly open to allow the paste to dry on the tooth.
Apply the paste 2-3 times a day to reduce the pain.


Cut a lime wedge or slice, and bite directly into it. Try to extract some of the juice.
Allow the lime to sit outside for a bit if you’re feeling any sensitivity to cold.
Repeat the process as needed, or until the pain goes away.

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