13 Most Amazing Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

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13 Most Amazing Uses Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Postby jeevan » Mon May 13, 2019 4:21 pm

Apple Cider Vinegar is often used for salad dressings, marinades, vinaigrettes, and chutneys, but that’s not all: It’s also known to prolong the feeling of satiety after eating, it has well-documented anti-glycemic effects, and quite a few other uses that everyone should know about.

1. Detox Tea


2. Varicose Vein Remover


Rub apple cider vinegar onto your veins twice a day, and drink a teaspoon once a day.

3. All-Natural Toner


4. Get Rid of Warts


What you need:

Apple cider vinegar

Cotton wool

Medical tape

What you do:

1. Clean the area.

2. Fully soak the cotton wool with apple cider vinegar.

3. Place the soaked wool on the wart and cover with medical tape (or bandage).

4. Repeat daily until the wart dries out and falls off (should take up to a week).

5. Treat Nail Fungus


Soak your toenail in a 1:2 solution of vinegar and water for 15 minutes a day.

6. Chemical-Free Flea and Tick Repellent


Make a 1:1 solution of water and organic apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle, and spray the dog once a week. If your dog doesn't like being sprayed, use a soaked washcloth instead.

You can also add a teaspoon of organic apple cider vinegar to the dog's water twice a week for similar results. Be sure to use organic ACV, as the more processed kind is not good for dogs.

7. Say "Bye Bye" to Moles


What you need:

Organic apple cider vinegar

Sterile needle (use rubbing alcohol or fire to sterilize it)

Cotton wool

What to do:

1. Clean the area.

2. Use the sterile needle to poke a few holes in the mole. (There are no nerves, so it won't hurt).

3. Apply an ACV-soaked piece of cotton to the mole for 20-30 minutes.

4. Repeat daily until the mole falls off. (Should be within a week).

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