15 National Geographic Photo Contest Enteries From Around The World

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Re: 15 National Geographic Photo Contest Enteries From Around The World

Postby jeevan » Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:32 pm

6. Ahmed Kelly (Australian swimmer) by Alex Coppel


The photographer says: "Born in 1991 with significant disabilities in all four limbs, Ahmed Kelly was left at a Baghdad orphanage where he spent the majority of the first seven years of his life. He was adopted by an Australian woman, Moira Kelly, and now lives in Melbourne. Ahmed finished fourth in the London 2012 Paralympic Games for 50m Breaststroke, and is in great shape to win a medal in twelve months when the Paralympics start in Rio, Brazil."

7. Rooftop Sleeps in Varanasi (India) by Yasmin Mund


The photographer says: "I arrived at my guest house in Varanasi at 5:30am, I instinctively climbed the 7 sets of stairs to the rooftop (which happened to be the highest in the vicinity) to see the sunrise over the famous Ganges River. As the sun was rising I looked over the right hand side of the balcony and my jaw dropped with disbelief. Below were families – mothers, fathers, children, brothers, sister and dogs all sleeping on the top of their houses. It was mid summer in Varanasi and sleeping sans AC was difficult."

8. Enchantment of Light and Shadows (Estonia) by Kaiti Lillipuu


The photographer says: "After the sunset we saw that fog was forming and hoped that it would not fade away till morning so we set our alarm clock 3 hours before sunrise. Then we drove for two hours to the location and along the road we could see through the trees that the bog was fully covered in fog. We quickly set up our octocopter drone and flew over the trees, the opening view was breathtakingly beautiful - sunrays, fog, shadows, pools."

9. Daasanach Fisherman (Lake Turnana) by Christena Dowsett


The photographer says: "A young Daasanach fisherman guts and cleans a fish on the Eastern shore of Lake Turkana near the boarder of Ethiopia and Kenya. The Daasanach are Kenya’s second smallest tribe with between 60,000-80,000 members. They are traditionally nomadic, roaming between the two countries although with continued drought over the last 20 years about 30% have looked to the lake for food and income in fishing."

10. Dunes' Picture (Namibia) by Stas Bartnikas


The photographer says: "This aerial shot was taken from a small plane over Namib desert, Namibia."

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