If you hate the rust stains shaving cream dispensers leave in your shower after a while, store them on their heads (it’s made of plastic and won’t stain).

12. Reading in the bath
If you love reading in the bath, but are worried your e-reader (Nook/Kindle) will get wet – seal it in a ziplock bag. Make sure you get all the air out, and you can enjoy your new books in peace.

13. Better Volume
If you use your phone to play music while you’re in the shower, you can place it in the sink for volume amplification. The sink will serve as a loudspeaker, allowing you to enjoy your music.

14. Organize your bobby pins
Stick a magnet strip to the inside of your cabinet door and use it to keep all your bobby pins in one place.

15. No more auto flushing
If you hate it when public toilets flush automatically, especially while you’re still using them, then use a piece of toilet paper to cover the proximity sensor. The mechanism will think you’re still there, and you won’t be interrupted by constant flushing.