11 Ways To Save Money Like A Pro When You Don't Have Any

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Re: 11 Ways To Save Money Like A Pro When You Don't Have Any

Postby shahrukh » Wed Aug 24, 2016 5:42 pm

9. Be obsessive


Be obsessive about your savings. Keep checking progress every month, and watch your money grow. That way, you'll not only be able to recognise and fix problems (if any) but it'll also motivate you to do more. You have a target set now, remember?

10. Stop buying impulsively


I thankfully do not have this problem, but I have a lot of friends who do. Yes, they end up buying some cool things (not always) but don't end up saving anything. Also, now that you're all serious about saving money, you need to be a professional about it - stop spending money on a depreciating asset. Sounds cool to say out loud, doesn't it?

A good way around this is to try out the 48-hours theory. When you see something you really want to buy, put it in your wishlist by all means, but refrain from buying it for at least 48 hours. If after two days, you still think you need this particular thing, buy it. Trust me, you'll end up saving a considerable amount if you're an avid online shopper.

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