The Most Expensive Things In The World

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Re: The Most Expensive Things In The World

Postby shahrukh » Thu Feb 09, 2017 5:27 pm

Most Expensive Sports Card:
1909-11 T206 Honus Wagner
Price: $2,800,000



What’s all the fuss about a small scrap of paper with a guy’s picture in it? Is it really worth almost 3 million dollars? Back in the day, athletes advertised a lot of things, one of those things were cigarettes. Honus Wagner, a Pittsburgh Pirates player, was against telling his young fans that “smoking is cool”, so the American Tobacco Company had to pull the cards with his pretty face from circulation. However, 200 cards (just like that NES game) managed to slip through and made it to the market, making it the Holy Grail of baseball cards.

Most Expensive Comic Book:
Action Comics #1
Price: $3,207,852


Comic books are for nerds, huh? What about the first issue of Action Comics? It’s so rare and expensive, you could probably be settled for life if you sold one. It’s features the first ever appearance of the iconic superhero Superman. Only about 50 copies of this legendary comic book still remain in existence nowadays, all of which are safely hidden in private collections. You should really pay your gramps a visit sometime and see if he has one of these too.

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