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Re: 17 Most Beautiful Birds You Have Never Seen

Posted: Thu Nov 09, 2017 6:27 pm
by jeevan
Inca Tern


These awesome seabirds with mustaches nest in rocky hollows or burrows along the coasts of Peru and Chile.

Curl-Crested Aracari


This bird is a member of the toucan family and gets it’s name from the feathers on it’s head that are curled up like ribbons on a gift.

Red-Necked Tanager


There are 3 sub-species of this bird which differ primarily in the extent of the throat patch and in the coloration of the head. They are residents of the lowland tropical forests of eastern South America

Wilson's Bird-of-Paradise


Another crazy bird-of-paradise that is easy to recognize with it’s curly tail feathers and unique coloring. The turquoise crown of the male is actually a patch of bare skin, not feathers.

Guianan Cock-of-the-Rock


Their almost perfect semi-circle crest is formed by two rows of feathers, flattened against each other. Unlike other birds, their crest is always on display

Purple-Crowned Fairywren


Their song is quite different from other fairywrens because it is of lower frequency, quite loud, and usually sung as a duet