15 Natural Remedies From Around The World

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Re: 15 Natural Remedies From Around The World

Postby neeraj » Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:43 pm

10. Coffee Gets Rid of Depression - Finland.


This cold Scandinavian country is actually the world's largest consumer of coffee, drinking on average about 1,640 cups per year. Indeed, coffee was originally sold in pharmacies in Finland in the 18th century has a treatment for depression. Now research from Harvard backs up coffee's use as an anti-depressant, finding that drinking 2 cups a day of caffeinated coffee could reduce your risk of depression by 34 percent, and if you drink 3 cups, by 42 percent. The mix of caffeine and antioxidants in coffee stimulates the brain to produce more powerful antidepressant hormones serotonin and dopamine.

11. Coriander Rids of Food Poisoning - Egypt


One of the world's oldest spices and a popular Egyptian remedy for stomach pain, new research proves the powerful effects of this ancient spice. The research suggests that coriander seeds can speed up recovery from full-blown intestinal infections by destroying dangerous bacteria E. coli and Salmonella. This is because coriander punches holes in the bacteria's' protective outer membranes, effectively destroying them for good.

Next time you are having tummy troubles, try adding 1 teaspoon of ground coriander to one cup of boiling water. Drink up to three cups of this mixture daily until the bug is gone.

12. Honey Treats Sinus Infections - New Zealand


Unpasteurized honey is one of the top treatments used in New Zealand to treat sinus and throat infections. According to research at the University of Illinois and the University of Amsterdam, the natural antibiotics and enzymes in unpasteurized honey can destroy nearly 100 percent of bacteria and viruses on contact! This includes the bugs that cause painful sinus and throat infections.

For an effective remedy, mix two tablespoons of unpasteurized honey into your coffee or tea to prevent painful infections. Use darker honeys buckwheat or wildflower for the best results.

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