40 Most Dangerous Female Criminals In The World

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40 Most Dangerous Female Criminals In The World

Postby jeevan » Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:48 pm

1. Myra Hindley

The crimes that Myra Hindley committed were so ghastly that many have dubbed her the “most evil woman in Britain.” Although Hindley did not act alone, she was responsible for an inordinate amount of grief and suffering. At her side was her equally formidable accomplice, Ian Brady. The pair claimed the lives of five children.


Huddersfield Examiner

To make matters even worse, evidence revealed that four of these children had been sexually abused by their perpetrators. These children ranged in age, but the youngest was just ten years old. Even more devastating is how Hindley and Brady were caught. They were in the process of murdering a teenage girl with an ax when a relative of Hindley’s walked in on the whole thing. Both Hindley and Brady went to prison and died there, Brady just this year.

2. Leslie Van Houten

Many people have heard of Charles Manson and the infamous “Manson Family” cult that followed him. Three women, in particular, were devout followers of Manson, so much so that they committed some of the grisliest crimes the world has ever seen. One of these women was named Leslie Van Houten.


NBC News

Van Houten murdered Rosemary LaBianca and her husband Leno. She brutally stabbed LaBianca 16 times. In fact, she was not originally meant to oversee the murders, according to the plan Charles Manson had laid out. He had a special group in mind. Nonetheless, Van Houten accompanied the group and ended up participating in the crime. The fact that she showed no remorse at her trial made the whole ordeal even more bone-chilling. In court, she came across as giggly and girlish and even attempted to clear Manson’s name. She was sentenced to death but later the sentence was reduced to life in prison, where she still resides today.

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