11 Things To Relate If You Are A Nice Person But With Nasty Temper

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Re: 11 Things To Relate If You Are A Nice Person But With Nasty Temper

Postby shahrukh » Mon Feb 26, 2018 3:52 pm

5. You imagine beating the shit out of people


Even when you are not lashing out, you are imagining biting someone’s head off. The red haze pops thought bubbles over your head, each illustrating a scenario of how you can channel your anger. And each is scarier than the last.

6. You need to have the last word every time


You are a wreck when you are angry and don’t get to have the last word in a fight. There are just too many points left unsaid, right? Wrong! You have miles to go before you learn to control your anger and hold your tongue.

7. You sometimes leave the scene to calm your nerves


It seldom happens, but it happens. The setting usually works wonders because you know you can’t afford to lose your cool in a family function or at work. So the best way out for you is to walk away.

8. You try to be nice


You often confuse being nice and playing nice especially if the other person’s a douche. You can’t be nice to someone you don’t like. You try to play nice but soon recognise the rising anger inside your belly.

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