How To Make Beautiful Wine Bottle Crafts

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Re: How To Make Beautiful Wine Bottle Crafts

Postby neeraj » Thu Aug 17, 2017 5:01 pm

5. Create a Shelf Using Wine Bottles


DIY Difficulty: Hard
This creative idea will make for a unique book shelf.
Here's How:
To create one module you will need:
Four bottles (same brand, height and shape preferable), washed thoroughly;
Two hook and eye strainers or turnbuckles (about 14mm OD at the buckle and 5mm OD at the threads;
Two planks of wood.
For instructions on drilling the holes into the wood safely and accurately, follow this link.
Screw in the hooks halfway between the holes on either side.
Depending on the height of your bottles you may need some ess hooks to help the strainer reach between the upper and lower hooks.
Place the bottles concentrically over the holes of the lower shelf and carefully lower the upper shelf on top, allowing the necks of the bottles to pass through the holes.
Attach the hook and eye strainers and ess hooks if needed, between the opposing hooks. Tighten up thoroughly.
Make as many modules as you need, of whatever size you require.

6. Create a Smart Bedside Table Using One Wine Bottle


DIY Difficulty: Medium
Complete the look by adding a lamp shade - you can also use elements from an old lamp that needs a revamp.
Here's How:
Create a hole in the bottle (refer to the instructions and video tutorial as explained in number 4). Once the hole has been drilled, wash the bottle well and remove the labels.
To pass the wiring through the bottle, you will need to buy that alongside any other extra pieces, that will be required for you to put the lampshade on.
Take the wire and pull it through the hole. When the wire is running through the bottle, install the wiring and place the lampshade on top.
If you're unfamiliar with this process, ask an experienced professional to do this for you.

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