19 Popular But Unhealthy Indian Breakfasts You Need To Stop Eating NOW

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Re: 19 Popular But Unhealthy Indian Breakfasts You Need To Stop Eating NOW

Postby neeraj » Fri Nov 17, 2017 6:43 pm

13. Cereal

No matter what those cereal advertisements tell you about weight-loss, your packaged cereal is extremely unhealthy. Prepackaged and ready to eat breakfast cereals are sugared, high in salts, and have little or no nutritional value of the original grains they are made from. The cereals are only a mix of high fructose syrup and processed-till-the-nutrients-died corn. Having cereal is actually doing you a lot more harm than good.

Instead: Boil some corn and have it fresh, right out of your cooker. You can add some olive oil and salt to flavour it. Alternatively, you can also add a quarter of a cottage cheese cube to your corn for a unique taste. Or you can make a quick corn salad too! If you don't have the time, just have some dry-fruits. They are a lot more healthy, filling and will keep you feeling full for long.


14. Packaged Juices

Your 'real' fruit juices are not real. By the time the fruit juice is extracted from the fruits and then processed, the nutrients in the juices die. They are just coloured liquid. Also, the taste you get is not the original taste, as the process of extraction and purification pretty much destroys this. It is only added flavour. There's no real fibre, no nutrients. It's just like swallowing a glass full of sugar syrup.

Instead: Squeeze fresh juice at home. Or just run down and get some coconut water from your nearest vendor. Coconut water is not only healthy, it is tasty and refreshing!


16. Fried Eggs

Eggs are one of the healthiest things you can eat. But frying them just makes them a mass of calories and kills all the nutrients in them.One large egg fry can have as many as 90 calories. While it does not sound like too much, it amounts to a lot in the daily calorie flow chart.

Instead: Have scrambled eggs or an egg omelette. Add vegetables to the omelette or the scramble and do not overload it with oil or butter. Keep it simple, fluffy and healthy.


17. French Toast

Once again, bread dipped in egg and deep fried, French Toast has nothing to its credit but calories. Sometimes, whipped cream and tinned fruits accompany the toast that make it even more unhealthy and unsafe to eat.

Instead: Make some quick upma and enjoy it. Upma is made out of semolina and is healthy. It is a balanced diet as it provides nutrition from the rava, vegetables, spices and lemon added while cooking.


18. Flavoured Yoghurt

This is a trend that has recently caught up in India. Packaged flavoured yoghurt has absolutely no nutritional value and the fruits added to it are laced with preservatives. Also, there is too much colour and preservatives added to the food. And in order to prevent the yogurt from going bad, it is further laced with additives.

Instead: Just whip up some good old dahi or make a milkshake. Add honey instead of sugar to the shake and stick to fresh vegetables. Also, use whole milk (try getting it from a 'tabela' near your home). The milk will be fresh and your smoothie will keep you full till your mid-morning snack.


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